A photograph is never just what it shows; it is a space where things are in flux, where meaning rises not from clarity but from uncertainty. The work unfolds through ambiguity, where contradictions remain suspended, asking not for resolution but for contemplation. In this space, every object, every gesture, holds its own tensions—layers that remain unresolved and full of possibility. To me, this is the essence of creating work: to invite the viewer into a dialogue between what’s visible and what’s just out of reach, between the solid and the ephemeral.
I aim for my works to be active, not static—shaped by time, context, and the shifting vantage of each viewer. They are catalysts, opening portals to new spaces, new environments, and new dimensions within us. They nourish the spirit of discovery, inviting us to revisit our perceptions and values, and to embrace fresh possibilities—reminding us that it is not what we see that truly matters, but rather the doors they open within us.
A photograph is never just what it shows; it is a space where things are in flux, where meaning rises not from clarity but from uncertainty. The work unfolds through ambiguity, where contradictions remain suspended, asking not for resolution but for contemplation. In this space, every object, every gesture, holds its own tensions—layers that remain unresolved and full of possibility. To me, this is the essence of creating work: to invite the viewer into a dialogue between what’s visible and what’s just out of reach, between the solid and the ephemeral.
I aim for my works to be active, not static—shaped by time, context, and the shifting vantage of each viewer. They are catalysts, opening portals to new spaces, new environments, and new dimensions within us. They nourish the spirit of discovery, inviting us to revisit our perceptions and values, and to embrace fresh possibilities—reminding us that it is not what we see that truly matters, but rather the doors they open within us.